OK I figured out my picture problems. Here are some pictures from the shoot with my niece and crew
So Cute

Here are the announcements

Over last weekend I got the chance to take some more pictures of the kid’s dance team at their showcase. Heres a preview

I really enjoy seeing what I get in the pictures but the downer is that I don’t really get to watch the performances. Kind of ironic I know, but chasing dancers across the stage with the lens is not the same as watching the dance. It’s a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, well not so much blood as sweat and tears, you try holding a 10 lb camera to your eye for 4 hours, but the ends justify the means in this case. All of the dances are really talented and fun to capture on “film.” It is going to take me a while to get through all 8000+ pictures but when the mountain has been climbed I will get some posted.